A child with low self-esteem usually lacks confidence and feels doubtful about his abilities and achievements. He might also feel unloved and unappreciated. These feelings can cause a child to avoid new situations out of fear of failure. Low self-worth can also lead a child to talk about himself in a negative way, like saying "I'm fat," or "I'm rubbish at math." Parents and teachers can use a variety of techniques to boost a child's self-esteem over time. It is worth the effort to ensure that the child will grow up feeling good about himself.
Be Honest
- 1 Be careful in your choice of language and approach to the problem. Be honest with a child with low self-esteem and avoid showering her with faint praise like the empty phrase, "You're wonderful." It is more productive to be specific in your dialogue and give praise when she really deserves it For example, if a child scores lowish marks in a test and declares herself to be "stupid," you could point out that she has worked hard and that the mark was higher than last time.
2 Give a child with low self-esteem some specific and regular responsibilities such as caring for a family pet. A job well done will boost self-esteem and show the child that he has the ability to carry out certain tasks. Get involved in the child's hobbies and interests and day-to-day life at school.
3 Reassure the child that making mistakes is a normal part of life and not a disaster. Discuss solutions to problems. If she can learn to cope with upsets and upheavals, new challenges should not prove too frightening in the future and she will have the confidence to deal with life's ups and downs.
4 Set boundaries regarding behavior and show consistency in how you deal with the child. Analyze your own behavior, speech and body language to see if you are unconsciously showing signs of low self-esteem and passing this on.
5 Spend time with your child on a regular basis. Sharing an experience like shopping or soccer will confirm that you enjoy the child's company and this will help boost his self-esteem.
6 Talk to your child's teacher about the self-esteem issue and devise some joint strategies. Perhaps the child could look after a pet at school and at home.
7 Encourage the child to socialize with friends and to take up a hobby that requires social interaction. A team sport or a drama class could help build confidence, but do not force the child because it could make the situation worse.
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