You may have difficulty opening up to others if you are suffering from low self-esteem. Low self-esteem can cause you to withdraw and seclude yourself from healthy social interactions. The more isolated you become, the more likely a domino effect will occur where your doubts and fears become magnified due to negative, irrational thoughts about how you perceive the world around you.
Inability to Focus in the Present
- Low self-esteem manifests itself through the inability to concentrate on the present moment. You complain or worry about past events or what may happen in the future. You sabotage your own successes by putting yourself down to others or quitting a job or an interest just as you're gaining satisfaction from it. You desire what you can't have, stating it will make you happy. Low self-esteem is often the result of feeling like the victim. You tend to blame others for what goes wrong in your life, rather than taking responsibility and changing the things you have control over.
- You may find yourself building walls around yourself to keep others out as a result of your low self-esteem. You may fear being hurt if you get too close to someone or that you will hurt them. People with low self-esteem have difficulty putting their roots down and staying in one place. You may seem to be busy and may even overschedule yourself in an attempt not to look at at the feelings and issues that are causing you pain. You also may find you think others have more than you, are better than you or have it better than you. This may or may not be true, but your thought process keeps you from looking at what you are doing in your relationships to make you feel good.
Negativity and Addictions
- Negative thinking is at the root of low self-esteem. You may not realize you are telling yourself you don't deserve to be happy or that you aren't good enough. These are often the thoughts that paralyze you and keep you stuck in the negative frame of mind. Addictions can be to drugs, alcohol, food or even an emotion. This is a sign you are suffering from low self-esteem. The addictive substance helps you feel good in the moment, but once the thrill passes, you are left with the same low demeanor.
- Listen to your thoughts and write them down if you can. If you find yourself blaming someone else, stop and ask yourself if it's really something they did or if there's something you're doing that you have the power to change. The more you are able to take responsibility for your thoughts and feelings, the more in control you will feel. This is a powerful tool in combating low self-esteem.
Practice deep breathing to stay in the present moment and enjoy where you are at right now. Appreciate what you have and where you are. This will help you ease into a more positive frame of mind.
Try to connect with someone no matter how difficult it may be. Try to remind yourself that others may have the same difficulties and you may be helping them to overcome low self-esteem as well.
13 Tell-Tale Signs of Low Self-Esteem - EzineArticles Submission ...
3/26/2007 There are many signs of low self-esteem, some of which are often suppressed by other attributes. But they are all obvious by their negativity. The most ... -
Warning Signs of Low Self Esteem - Embrace Possibility Helping ...
Having a low self esteem prevents you from being successful. Be aware of the warning signs of low self esteem and what you can do about it. -
Symptom Checker: Medical Symptoms and Signs of Disease
Pinpoint your pain and check your health symptoms and signs with MedicineNet's Symptom Checker. Read about medical causes and medications used in treatment. -
Signs & Symptoms of Low Self-Esteem eHow Health Mental Health General Mental Illness
You may have difficulty opening up to others if you are suffering from low self-esteem. Low self-esteem can cause you to withdraw and seclude yourself from healthy ... -
Symptoms of Low Self Esteem - YouTube
This video discusses the dangers of attending workshops to improve confidence and Self Esteem. Find out the big Curse of Self Help before you do anything ... -
ADD / ADHD in Children: Signs & Symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder
Does your child have ADHD? Learn what it looks like and how to get help. -
Symptoms of Low Self Esteem - EzineArticles Submission - Submit ...
3/18/2008 Low self esteem is the cage where you incarcerate yourself when you do not believe that you are good enough. You must release these negative emotions and ... -
How to Identify Signs of Depression : Low Self Esteem: Signs of ...
Identifying low self esteem as a sign of depression with expert mental health advice in this free mental health video. Expert: Leslie Moselle Bio: With a ... -
Signs of Low Self-Esteem in Women eHow - eHow How to Videos ... Health Conditions & Treatments Depression
Self-esteem is the feeling of being worthy, deserving, and confident. So many women wake up every morning without that. They go through their daily activities without ... -
Low self esteem symptoms How to fix low self esteem signs
Low self esteem symptoms. How to fix low self esteem signs
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