Saturday, August 31, 2013

Shyness usually stems from self-consciousness, which causes the individual to not feel confident enough to take progressive actions. Generally, shyness disappears once a person matures; however some people remain shy all their lives. Shyness can cripple an individual to the degree that he may never fulfill his dreams and desires. It can stop him from applying for better jobs, making friends and stifle his communication; ultimately, his self-confidence suffers. If you are a shy person and need help improving your self-confidence, follow these steps.


Ocercoming Shyness and Building Self-confidence

    1 Become truly interested in others. Shy people are typically introverted. To overcome your shyness, try to inject some extroversion into your personality. People are everywhere and you have to deal with them---at work, school or at home. By climbing outside yourself and by learning who the people surrounding you are, you become interested in whom they are as a person.
    2 Listen carefully to what people are saying instead of focusing on how self-conscious you feel. Start with your family or any friends you have. For example, if you live with your parents, when they get home from work or school, ask them about their day. Project the experience you gain from connecting with your family and friends into the outside world.
    3 Become more visible by sitting in the front seat at church, meetings, school or gatherings. Although sitting the back seat garners you less attention, to overcome your shyness and build your self-confidence, you have to get accustomed to sitting in the front. Over time, you will become less self-conscious and more confident in your new-found position.
    4 Maintain eye contact with the person speaking with you, or vice versa. Being a shy person, you may tend to avert your eyes, finding it difficult to establish eye contact. The ability to sustain eye contact not only signifies your confidence, but also helps to build trust and makes your listener feel that they are being listened to.
    5 Smile from inside out. A genuine smile pulls people in. If someone says something nice to you, do not be abashed. Instead, absorb it with a smile.
    6 Adapt a posture that reflects confidence. Your walk can define how you feel about yourself. Walk briskly, with your head held high and with good posture, but be careful not to exude cockiness or arrogance. A confident walk improves your self-image and gives you a sense of purpose and power. Others will inevitably feel your presence when you walk into a room.

How to Improve Self Confidence in the Classroom

According to Melissa E. DeRosier, PhD, of the Institute for Social Development and Stacey W. Lloyd, MPH, of RTI International, self-esteem is correlated with academic achievement. Teachers can assist or hinder a positive self image by the type of classroom culture they foster. The most successful teachers create classrooms with a sense of community and appreciate the uniqueness of each student. They give praise freely and have high expectations. They teach students the rules, help them learn interpersonal skills and give them the chance to practice in real-life situations. The entire classroom culture or environment is deliberately designed to improve student learning and self esteem.


    1 Build community with collaborative learning. Classroom and small group projects promote cooperation and build social skills by giving each student a task essential to the success of the project. One student may be responsible for organizing the research, while another may be responsible for illustrations or proofreading.
    2 Value each student's unique abilities and contributions. Achieve this by publicly calling attention to something one student did for another, or privately. Displaying art or other work is another way to show a student you value his contributions.
    3 Recognize and praise student success publicly. At the schoolwide level, quarterly honor roll assemblies may occur. The entire school assembles and the principal presents an award to each student who made honor roll that marking period. If students make the honor roll 2 out of 3 quarters during the year, they are invited to attend an academic banquet where the faculty serves the students and their parents dinner.
    4 Provide students with disabilities accommodations that enable success. Students who are not able to write due to a physical or cognitive disability can use text-to-speech software to do so. Some students may need pictorial-text software in which a picture and text is typed. Others may be able to use software with a text-only output.
    5 Ban disparaging comments from the classroom. This includes negative self-talk.
    6 Utilize technology for teaching and learning. An article about the benefits of technology at the US Department of Education website points to research that shows technology can improve student motivation and self esteem. It may also be used to reinforce basic academic concepts.
    7 Incorporate games into lesson plans. Games are especially useful to reinforce math facts. Multiplication or Addition War is a game based on the card game War. Deal a standard deck of cards, then have players turn two cards face up. Each player multiplies or adds his cards. The player with the highest sum wins the round and collects all of the played cards.
    8 Create a student-centered classroom where students help each other learn, solve problems and help make class rules.
    9 Focus on the number correct when grading papers instead of the number wrong. Seeing -12 at the top of a paper is an emotional let-down. It fosters feelings of failure and frustration. On the other hand, seeing 88/100 at the top of a paper promotes a much more positive emotional response. It helps the student realize that he can succeed, even though he got 12 questions wrong.
    10 Teach classroom expectations explicitly and practice good decision making.
    11 Model and teach active listening skills. If two students are arguing about something and go to the teacher, the teacher will stay calm and listen to what each student has to say. She will then paraphrase what she heard back to the student. The students can speak to each other, with the teacher present, and then paraphrase what they heard the other say.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Guides to Raise Your Teen's Self Esteem

Posted by Setiadi On 6:02 PM No comments

How to Raise Your Teen's Self Esteem

Adolescence can be a difficult time for many teenagers. Because they are pressured by their peers to look and act a certain way, some teenagers develop feelings of inadequacy. As a parent, you may find it heart wrenching watching your teenager suffer from low self-esteem. According to Family Education, self-esteem is not a gift you can give your teenager; it must be built. Actively work with your teenager to develop her self-esteem, so she can grow up to be an independent adult.


    1 Treat your teenager like an adult. Sometimes parents do not take their teenagers seriously because they believe they are still children. They may ignore their teenagers' problems, and tell them it's just a stage they are going through. Instead of acting like your teenager's issues do not manner, take the time to listen to him and understand what he is going through.
    2 Model positive behavior. Because your teenager is highly influenced by your behavior, you must watch what you say in front of her. For example, you want to avoid making comments like, "I look so fat in these pants."
    3 Help your teenager feel good about his talents and abilities. For example, if he received a good grade on his math test, tell him how proud you are of him for being so smart. However, do not give him compliments that are not sincere. Your teenager will eventually recognize you are not being truthful, and will not believe you when you actually mean what you say.
    4 Introduce your teenager to new activities. If you think she has an artistic ability, encourage her to take an art class at your local community center. If you believe she has a flare for drama, tell her that she should think about acting in her school's next play. Encouraging your teenager to take part in different activities can allow her to see how truly talented she is.
    5 Tell your teenager that it is okay to be different. Teenagers who dress or act differently from their peers may feel bad about themselves. As a parent, you must let your teenager know that he should celebrate his diversity instead of trying to be like everyone else.

Self Esteem in the Workplace

Posted by Setiadi On 3:00 PM No comments
The job market can be a stressful and fierce place for individuals of all ages.  Whether you are just beginning your first job or fixing to retire after years of diligent work, you will find maintaining your self esteem in the workplace is critical to your success in you specific career field. 

Keeping your self esteem at a high level will allow you to best deal with bosses, clients, and coworkers in various environments while maintaining a cool, professional demeanor.  This fantastic quality can separate you from the rest of the pack, propelling you to the front for promotions, special projects, and receiving employment.

The task of searching and finding a job that fits into your choice of career field is quite an undertaking.  The advent of the World Wide Web allows individuals of all ages, career choices, and places in their employment history to search for job openings in all aspects of the job market.  From medical work to teaching positions, you are sure to find a job opening that best fits your needs without leaving the comfort of your own home. 

More traditional ways of finding employment includes your local newspaper’s classified advertisement section.  Additionally, many individuals seek out headhunters or enroll with temp agencies that have a phenomenal success rate in finding jobs for qualified individuals. 

Once you have found the job that best fits your needs, begin the application process.  This may prove quite taxing of your self esteem, as you may potentially be turned down by one or more of your prospective jobs.  You should not take any dismissals personally, as the business in question is looking at your strengths, experiences, and skills strictly on paper.  If you are called into an interview, carefully preparing for the experience will allow you better success than going into an interview without any preparation at all. 

Individuals who do well in interviews have a high sense of self esteem and know they are totally capable of completing any task at hand.  The potential employer may find it necessary to conduct more than one interview in order to understand all aspects of your personality, work ethic, skills, and experiences that will positively affect your performance at their company.

If you are accepted for the position, your self esteem should be going through the roof!  Take this time to positively reward yourself for all the hard work and effort you have put into the job search, application, and interview processes.  When it comes time to enter your new place of work, be sure to bring you newly boosted self esteem along. 

Maintain your level while meeting your fellow coworkers and your new boss or bosses.  Know the chain of command and understand which individual you should seek in different situations.  Understand how your place of employment works before you begin to implement or request changes.  Only begin to make new rules or regulations after you have thoroughly reviewed the current status and situation of a variety of different things.  Your self esteem is sure to take a blow if you hastily make changes for the sake of making changes.  If you decide to make changes in your workplace, ask your coworkers for their opinions before any implementation should occur.

Finally,  beware of office politics or any other things that can potentially tear away at your self esteem and even danger your position in the company.  Maintain a high level of professionalism in all matters of your job, especially when dealing with your coworkers or bosses.  When dealing with clients, treat each individual with the utmost respect and in the most professional terms.  Your high self esteem is sure to give you a boost in the workplace.

Score Killer: Low Self Confidence

Posted by Setiadi On 3:30 AM No comments
Face it, taking a test is a nerve wracking experience.  The more important the test, the more nerves are involved and can be a key factor in your score.  Some individuals have called for an end to testing, since it is an unfair way to measure the information an individual has learned.  Since that is not a suitable option, individuals must shift their focus from “why should I take a test” to “how should I take a test?”  Testing is well entrenched in today’s society. 

In school, we must take tests to prove our comprehension of a certain subject, we must take driving examinations in order to receive the necessary licenses, and we must tests to determine our general intelligence.  However, the way we test is as important as the subject of the test itself.  Self confidence plays a major factor in your testing score and for good reason.  When you trust yourself, you tend to make better decisions and clearer judgments.  You do not second guess your first instinct and confuse yourself due to doubt.

Before you enter into any examination, you should mentally prepare yourself for the test in addition to preparing for the specific subjects covered by the test.  One way to do this is to maintain a positive attitude about your capabilities.  If you enter into any examination with a poor attitude, you are guaranteed to do poorly on the test.  You may have the subject carefully instilled in your mind, but your low self confidence will undermine your attempt every time. 

Even if you find you know the answers to the questions present, that voice of doubt in the back of your head will surface and make you question the correctness of each answer you supply.  A general rule of thumb is to go with your initial (or gut) instinct.  If you feel an answer is correct, more often than not it is correct.  However, when your low self confidence kicks in and makes you unable to trust your instincts, problems arise.

One way to conquer the low self confidence killer is to thoroughly prepare for the test before hand.  No one does well walking into a test completely unprepared, and you are no different.  Take time to review the material carefully in the method to which you are best accustomed to studying.  Some individuals find they pick up and retain more information in a verbal question and answer session.  Others individuals are visual learners and find the use of cue cards or flash cards exceedingly helpful. 

Whatever the case, find your preferred method of study and stick with it!  Ask for help from a friend or family member if necessary.  After you have reviewed the material, create and complete a practice test.  Have a friend or family member administer the examination in a formal manner.  This puts you on the spot and calls your self confidence into play.  If you can successfully complete the test, whether verbal or written, your self confidence will be boosted. 

However, if you take your practice examination and find yourself second guessing your answers, that is a good sign you do not know the material well enough.  Consider reviewing the information more in depth, then try the test again.

On the day of the test, forgo last minute cramming.  Studies have shown this rush to learn a trivial bit of information is pointless, as your brain cannot retain such hurried information in a reasonable fashion.  Instead, take a moment to calm your nerves and reinforce your self confidence.  If you are at peace with yourself and your capabilities, you will succeed on your exam.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Abuse relationships have the capability to inflict tremendous physical and psychological distress on the individual in the relationship.  In addition to emotional and literal scars that are caused by abusive relationships, an individual’s self esteem can be completely demolished. 

Many individuals in an abusive relationship have been consistently told and shown they are not of value, nor of worth.  After constant reminders, both men and women who are victims of abusive relationships begin to think these derogatory remarks are true.  Instead of the inner feeling of self worth and confidence, these individuals have little or no self esteem left after the destructive effects of an abusive relationship.

If you find yourself in an abusive relationship, you should immediately remove yourself from the situation.  Quite often, this is easier said than done as abusive relationships are initiated and maintained under the pretense of love and affection.  If an individual has your well being in mind and truly cares about you, he or she will not verbally or physically abuse you. 

Even though this abusive individual apologizes or begs your forgiveness, abuse is cyclic and this behavior is part of its final cycle.  Usually, individuals in abusive relationships say their partner is loving and supportive, then violent and abusive, then apologetic and loving.  This cycle continues until either party decides enough is enough and ends the cycle.

Individuals in abusive relationships often find themselves trapped and feel their options are extremely limited or nonexistent.  If you are in an abusive relationship and feel there is no way out, reevaluate your situation.  Turn to friends or family members who will support you in your decision to break ties and end the relationship. 

Individuals who are truly your loved ones will want whatever is best for you and support you in any decisions you may make.  If you have no one to turn to, seek help from shelters or different organizations that are in existence to help people in your specific situation.  With the help of these individuals, you can begin rebuilding your life and renewing your self esteem.

Once you have made the decision to break free from your abusive relationship, begin the process of rebuilding your life.  This rebuilding process may take some time, so be prepared to invest a great deal of time and effort into rebuilding your life.  You may need to make serious choices regarding your future, including changing locations to another city and changing your choice of career. 

Leaving an abusive relationship will most likely mean moving into a new home.  You may need temporary housing, so consider staying with friends or family members or staying at a shelter that specializes in abusive relationships.  This is an incredibly difficult decision, but the best boost to your self esteem will come after you have made the decision and begin to piece your life back together.

After you have begun the rebuilding process, you may need to seek professional help regarding your mental or physical state.  Speaking with a psychologist or counselor may be the initiation necessary to continue rebuilding your self esteem.  Seek out a professional that will assist you in that specific area using a variety of different exercises and techniques. 

Furthermore, you may wish to join a support group so that you can speak with other individuals who have suffered similar abuse.  If you do not have access to a support group or feel attending a support group is not for you at his point in time, consider accessing the World Wide Web and finding a chat room that will serve as support.  Once you start on your road to recovery, stay strong and remember you are an individual of worth and value.  This will continue to build your self esteem and rebuild your life.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Public Speaking with Self Confidence

Posted by Setiadi On 9:50 AM No comments
Public speaking can be a rewarding experience that allows individuals to showcase their skills or knowledge in a public forum.  Public speaking opportunities can allow an individual to help enrich the lives of anyone in the audience by impressing experiences or information that can have life changing qualities. 

That being said, many individuals suffer extreme shyness or nervousness when faced with public speaking situations.  These situations can range from large audiences of hundreds or thousands of participants to rooms with a few people present.  Regardless of the situation, ensuring you have the proper level of public speaking self confidence will aid you remarkably in this foray.

When it comes to public speaking, possessing self confidence is a must.  If you find your self confidence low or nonexistent, the best way to boost it up is to practice, practice, practice.  Individuals with high self confidence have an ingrained sense that they can handle any and all situations, regardless who is watching or listening.  These individuals are well versed in their specific subject matter and have a good idea of how they are going to present the information so that the audience will have the greatest understanding. 

Additionally, these individuals are capable of fielding questions on their particular subject and can explain the topic on several different levels.  If you find yourself unable to do this, begin preparing for your public speaking opportunity at once.  Ensure your knowledge in the topic is high and seek out to learn as much as you can.  This knowledge will help you indefinitely in both planning your speech and delivering the speech to an audience of individuals who may or may not be familiar with it. 

Furthermore, in depth knowledge of your subject will aid you immensely when dealing with question and answer sessions that most likely will follow any public speaking opportunity.  If necessary, ask other individuals about your topic and be able to explain the topic to individuals of all levels.

When writing your speech, take care to analyze your audience.  If you are speaking to individuals who have a great understanding of the topic, you can clearly use a more in depth approach, more acronyms, and more jargon than if speaking to an audience unfamiliar with the subject.

Furthermore, know the average age and educational extent of your audience in order to create a speech that will speak directly to these individuals.  After you have written your speech, being making notes and prompts to that use can use when giving your speech in public.  Knowing your speech is written to the best of your ability will boost your self confidence, as will having the necessary notes and prompts that you can rely on while giving your speech.

When preparing for your speech, take care to not memorize the content.  This may seem like a good idea, but can lead to disasterous results.  If you find yourself to be nervous before you present any project or speech to a public audience, you might forget the content of your speech and be forced to pull it together from memory. 

Additionally, if you leave out a specific idea or topic from your speech, your audience may not clearly understand the topic of point of your presentation.  The best way to prepare for your speech is to make notes that allow cues or special points you should make in your speech.  Have a general idea of what you plan to say and ensure the content covers these points. 

Also, have any visual materials carefully arranged in the order of presentation so that you will remember to include all items seamlessly in your presentation.  Public speaking should not produce a crisis, and ensuring your self confidence is high in yourself and your capabilities will make all the difference in the quality of your presentation.

Obstacles in Building Self-Confidence

Posted by Setiadi On 9:47 AM No comments

Know what’s holding you back.

It’s great that you have decided to build your self-confidence. However, there are a few obstacles that can keep you from achieving your goal. Most of the time, these obstacles are so obvious that they do not seem like obstacles at all, and all you can see is that your resolve to be self-confident is not taking you anywhere. Therefore, it is important to become aware of these seemingly harmless obstacles that have all the power to stop you in your path. Let’s have a look at what could be the reasons that you are not moving ahead in top gear.

Are you undisciplined?

Some people simply have the talent to waste a lot of time without realizing it. They lack the self-discipline to stop their actions that waste time. Imagine a situation wherein you have a list of tasks to be completed successfully as a part of your confidence building program.

However, the moment you enter your home you involuntarily grab the remote and start channel surfing on the idiot box. It’s only after an hour that you realize that you have been vegetating in front of the T.V in the time you had scheduled to do other tasks. You realize that you have already disturbed your schedule. In a self-development program, it’s you and only you who has the power to change yourself. Nobody will come to monitor your actions and progress. You have to keep a watch on your inner graph and see to it that it goes up! Avoid temptations and stick to your schedule.

Are you lazy and keep procrastinating?

Procrastination is one of the greatest and most silent killers of confidence. It does not let you complete your jobs and tasks in time; things keep mounting and finally you get overwhelmed by all the many things that have piled up and need your attention. The very basics of building confidence start with listing little things that are doable. You gain more confidence to take on greater tasks and responsibilities by successfully completing the lighter tasks at hand.

However not being prompt and delaying important things till they become urgent makes you miss the opportunity of working on your confidence and puts you in danger of falling back again into your earlier cycle, thereby wasting all the effort and energy you had put in to becoming aware of your low confidence trap and getting out of it.

Does your old self keep pulling you back?

Assume. Assume. Assume is the technique here. Assume that you are a different person with habits you wanted to inculcate. Imagine the way you would like to be. Imagine a self-confident you taking things in your stride. Then try to bring into your daily actions the way you have imagined yourself to be. “I dream by painting. Then I paint my dream” was the technique what the great painter Vincent Van Gogh followed. Your assumed self will make people react to you in a different way, according to your new self.

This will establish your new self to the world and will help you keep up the new self before it becomes a habit – a second nature! If you behave indecisively and helplessly, you will invoke proportionate reactions from people around you, thereby reinforcing your previous self. This throws you back again. Remember that you cannot get ahead if you keep looking back. Realize this and stop sliding back.

Don’t copy self-confidence. Do not try to become like someone else.

One of the greatest mistakes that people make when trying to increase their low self-confidence is falling in love with an image of their icon who may be a sport star or a film star or any celebrity and then they try to be like them. This is one of the greatest mistakes that people can commit when trying in increase their self-confidence.

You have to be yourself at all costs. Getting inspired is wonderful but merely aping these guys won’t take you anywhere. There is no need for any two people in this universe to be exactly the same. The challenge is to be yourself in a world that is trying to make you like everyone else!
Searching for employment is one of the stressful times in anyone’s life.  The process of preparing a resume, finding the perfect job, and completing an interview may send even the soundest individual into a panic attack.  Whereas a resume presents your abilities and experiences on paper, an interview represents you in the first person. 

The pressure to present yourself in the best light possible in a short, controlled environment is exceptional, so it is key to keep an air of self confidence during this time.  Although there is a fine line between self confidence and arrogance, a prospective employee that enters an interview poised and put together already has an edge on the competition.

Dressing for success is not just a time worn cliché.  Individuals who show up to an interview in a thoughtful, put-together outfit will best convey the immediate sense of self confidence.  When choosing an interview outfit, carefully consider both the employer and the job opportunity. 

Match your clothing to the mood of the office is a must.  If you are interviewing for a position in a conservative law firm, consider conservative attire.  However, if you are interviewing at an up-start internet company, you may want to rethink conservative attire.  Regardless of the individual items you choose to wear, ensuring they are clean, smartly pressed, and well tailored will make all the difference. 

In addition to your dress, you should ensure your personal appearance reflects that of a potential employee.  For those individuals with physical forms of self-expression, i.e. piercings, tattoos, or extreme dyed hair, you may find interviewers have difficulty getting past your initial appearance. 

Before you begin the interview process, take time to review the company’s specific rules regarding appearance.  Ensuring your presence is neat will lend to your air of self confidence and appeal to your prospective employer.  Take time to evaluate your appearance.  Do you need a haircut?  Are your nails neatly trimmed and clean?  Make all necessary appointments a day or two before your interview.

Of course a potential employer is not just looking for an individual with a put-together outfit and a clean, neatly appearance.  Employers are looking for individuals who have the capacity to successfully complete the job at hand.  Whatever the job, affiliate yourself with the requirements necessary to fulfill the task.  You will soon find that when you are confident in the task, you will exude self confidence and positively influence the interview. 

Create a list of potential questions an employer may ask in an interview setting.  These questions can relate to your educational background, previous work experience, or your capability to handle the specific job.  Once you have created this list, prepare your responses to these questions.  Ask a friend or family member to pose as a mock interviewer in order to better prepare you for the actual interview.

Your actions during the interview can also affect the overall outcome.  Individuals who possess a great deal of self confidence walk with their head held high, make eye contact, and have firm handshakes.  Self confident individuals do not fidget, pull on their clothing, or make movements with their feet.  Furthermore, you should take care to speak of your positive attributes and not focus on your negatives or weaknesses. 

Be careful not to brag or boast about your current position, educational background, social status, or work experiences.  Again, there is a fine line between self confidence and arrogance, and few employers wish to add an arrogant individual to a team of employees.  Instead, focus on how your positive aspects can best benefit the job, team, and company.  However you choose to tackle your job interview, remember to bring your best attitude and self confidence.

Friday, August 16, 2013

How to Date a Man With Low Self-Esteem

Posted by Setiadi On 11:50 AM No comments
Man With Low Self-Esteem
Finding a man to love is a hard enough challenge but if one that you have found has low self esteem that challenge can feel like an insurmountable obstacle at times. Self-esteem refers to how a person feels about his worth. A man that has low self-esteem, who views himself in a negative light and is always berating himself or his abilities can be extremely draining. Unfortunately we don't choose what the heart wants.

There are a few tips that can help you improve your relationship with a man who has low self-esteem.

Boost his ego. Tell him the reasons that you like him. Tell him what you find interesting about him. Let him know why you feel the two of you make a good couple

Tell him that you find self-loathing incredibly unattractive. Men with low self-esteem will sometimes tell their dates that they are not worthy of dating beautiful women. They often refer to themselves as ugly and not worthy of having a good relationship.

Change the topic of the conversation if it takes on a negative tone. If he makes a negative comment, such as "I'm too dull to date you", pay little attention to it. Smile, shrug it off and say "that's the silliest thing I've heard." Ask him about his hobbies, favorite books or favorite bands.

Give the guy a chance once you have firmly stated how you feel about his self-loathing. If he continues with his self-loathing comments and negative outlook, it's your choice whether to continue dating him. Dating someone who is always putting himself down can get depressing after awhile.

Smile. Smiling will show him that you enjoy spending time with him.

Be prepared for the possibility that dating someone with low self-esteem may require you to constantly boost his ego. Ask yourself if you are willing to compliment him or prop him up him on a regular basis.

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How to Build Back Your Self-esteem After A Terrible Break-up
After going through a terrible break-up, it can leave you feeling drained, and depressed. You may feel lost, and as if you don't have any self-worth. You don't have to feel that way any more. There are steps that you can take to build back your self-esteem, and start living again.


  1. To start building back your self-esteem after a terrible break-up, the first thing that you need to start doing, is to start loving yourself more. Pamper yourself each day because you deserve it. Go to the salon, get a new hair cut. Be risky, by trying a hairstyle that you never knew you would try. Get your feet pedicured, and nails manicured. Once you start taking care of your outer-appearance, you will start feeling more confident.
  2. Set new goals for yourself. It could be something that you wanted to do a long time ago, but just wasn't able to do it. Sometimes breaking up with some is one of the best thing that could happen to you. Now that you have plenty of free time, enroll in class, to learn new skills.
  3. If you always wanted to lose weight, now is the time to get serious. After going through a terrible break-up, you want to look the best you can. Sign up with a gym. At the gym you may even find a few new friends, and the exercise will also help get rid of that depressed feeling.
  4. Get rid of your ex's pictures, that you have around the house. Once you stop looking at the pictures, you will eventually forget the pain, and may even forget how your ex looks like.
  5. Delete your ex's phone number from your phone directory. You don't want to be tempted to call it. Take this time to reevaluate your life, and make adjustments that will help to improve your self-esteem.
  6. During this time, you may not even feel like eating. Eating a healthy diet is necessary, to give you strength and to keep you in good health. When you start seeing yourself flourishing, and getting stronger, you may even start wishing that the break-up should have happen earlier.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

How to be Socially Confident: Power & Self Esteem
Confidence and self esteem are problems we all get to face at one point or another. Does this mean we have to live with it for the rest of our lives? Absolutely not. Learn how to be a much better person when being by yourself, and within a social situation.

Remember that no one is any better than you are.
If someone can perform well in a social environment, why can't you? Really, what's the worst thing that could happen? Why do you feel better when talking in front of your family and friends, but not when dealing with new faces? We're all people with the same abilities. Stop wondering what others will think of you. Just get out there and do it.

Stop worrying ahead.
When dealing with social situations, for example, people immediately start thinking about the public's reaction. Furthermore, have you noticed it's never a positive one? Do not get ahead of yourself. Do not start thinking "what if"; This will only turn any (negative) possible outcome into reality. Live in the present.

Let's say you're in an atmosphere where you don't know anyone, and no one knows you. Instead of feeling awkward and shy, take this opportunity to make a great first impression. Remember, people don't know you, therefore they can't tell what to expect of you. This is your chance to shine before them and pass with flying colors.

If you need to speak, do it out loud.
This will automatically send a signal to your audience that you're in control of the situation, and nothing can stop you. On the other hand, if you let people know you're shy by not letting your words be noticeable, they will immediately think you're a failure before they even know you.

Be yourself, and stop letting anyone else into your head.
If someone can do a fancier job at explaining a problem, it doesn't mean your methods are useless; It only means you have another way of exploring issues which might even teach people a thing or two.

Control your breathing.
Instead of feeling tense and breathing from your chest, stop and breathe normally from your stomach. This will get you incredibly relaxed, and thus allow both your words and your self-image to be exposed beautifully.

Physically relax, followed by mentally.
The best way to start is by relaxing your muscles. If you're making a fist, stop this bad habit. Take control of yourself in order to manage the situation you're presented with. Once in a stable state of mind, you will notice your body language, expressions, and words will flow naturally.

If socializing, a very useful tip is to keep your eye at someone you know from the crowd.
If this person makes you feel at ease, try to focus most of your attention on him/her (while occasionally staring at others, of course.)

Model someone you admire.
Do you know a motivational speaker, or a good, confident comedian on TV? How well do they perform? Try to act like them while teaching yourself new techniques. Model the way they talk, how they behave, as well as their body language and movements. If you're in front of a crowd, never stay still - Keep taking small steps to express a confident, successful body language to your audience.

It's okay to prepare in advance for a situation, especially a social one.
However, try not to overly practice what you're going to say. In the end, this will only cause you to draw a blank when you realize that not every word remained stuck in your head. Instead, know what you will say, but make the final practice when you're actually ready to demonstrate it.

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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Definition of Self-Confidence

Posted by Setiadi On 12:49 PM No comments
Definition of Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is the knowledge that you can do something and do it well. Self-confidence comes from firsthand knowledge of the task at hand, knowing your strengths and weaknesses, applying your skills to any situation and adapting quickly as the situation unfolds. People who exude self-confidence know they have what it takes to master difficult situations, and they are not afraid of failure.


    Self-confidence and self-esteem are not the same thing (see References). Self-esteem is the overall quality of how one thinks about himself. When one has a high self-esteem, one respects himself and considers his self-worth high. However, even a person with high self-esteem may not have self-confidence in some situations. For example, a successful businessperson knows he can handle a new client or increase sales, but he may not feel self-confident about singing karaoke at a dinner party.


    The self-confident person exudes power and grace. You know it when he walks into the room. His stride is bold, he holds his head high and he looks people in the eye. You will not see a self-confident person slumping over or dragging his feet.


    There are two types of self-confidence. There is the self-confidence that comes from knowledge of a given task and overall self-confidence that comes from a person knowing the inner workings of his mind.

Task-at-Hand Knowledge

    Self-confidence comes from knowledge of a given task (see References). When one repeats something constantly he becomes good at it, then he becomes an expert, and finally he just knows he will not fail at that task. One way to achieve this type of self-confidence is to practice doing the feat beforehand. For example, if you are going to a dance, take dancing lessons before you go. Then dance with self-confidence the night of the ball.

Knowledge of the Mind

    Overall, self-confidence is even stronger than knowledge of a certain task. When a person knows herself, her inner strengths and weaknesses, she exudes self-confidence in all situations. She assesses a situation and then applies what she deems to be the best action for the given situation. For example, this person does not panic in an emergency. Even though this situation has never occurred before, she knows she can function to maximum capability and she takes charge. She never doubts for a minute that the best possible outcome will happen providing she does her part. When someone asks about her actions, she is typically surprised that anyone thinks she did anything unusual.

Develop Self-Confidence

    Develop overall self-confidence by reflecting on your mind. Examine why you think the way you do. Maybe as a child, your parents told you could not do something. Overcome negative programming by reflecting on your positive accomplishments. Develop new positive programming by telling yourself that you can achieve your desired goal. Whenever you show self-confidence, reflect on how good this feels. With positive reinforcement, self-confidence will begin to emerge in your life.

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    confidence (k n f-d ns) n. 1. Trust or faith in a person or thing. 2. A trusting relationship: I took them into my confidence. 3. a. That which is confided; a ...
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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Self Confidence & Student Learning

Posted by Setiadi On 9:38 PM No comments
Self Confidence & Student Learning

Self-confidence and student learning are linked. Students who have high self-esteem and are confident perform better academically and retain learning more easily. Family, teachers, friends and the environment all play active roles in influencing whether or not a student has positive self-esteem and or lacks confidence. It is vital that a student is surrounded by encouraging and nurturing people and activities to build their self-confidence from an early age.

Teachers Instilling Self-Confidence In Their Students

    A teacher's role in instilling self-confidence in their students is paramount, as students tend to believe what their teachers think of them. When a teacher holds each of her students in high regard and believes that all of them are capable of performing at a high academic standard, students begin to believe that themselves. Teachers who think all their students are competent create a self-fulfilling prophecy that all students are capable of achieving academic success.
    Teachers need to create classroom environments that foster confidence-building skills such as allowing students to partake in a talent show, or a presentation on a special skill they have. If students are given opportunities to show their positive side, this builds self-confidence.

Parental Impact of Student Self Confidence

    Parents have an immense impact on student self-confidence: The home environment influences students' self-concept and understanding of the world. If parents and families have provided a warm and loving environment for their child by encouraging independence, fostering learning daily, and telling the child how special they are, chances are that a child will not lack self-confidence.
    Parents/families can help their children build self confidence by reading books about confident people with them and discussing traits that make them confident. Parents/families can also have discussion time. Discussion time should be set aside from other activities and should be focused on what is going on with the child at school and how do they feel about themselves. A parent/families can get a good understanding on how their children feel about themselves from these discussions. If a child responds positively continue these discussions as their feelings can change. However, if the child responds negatively it is time to intervene and build their self confidence by encouraging them to pick up a hobby such as a sport or fencing.

Self-Confidence Affects Student Learning

    According to, student confidence can affect learning: Students who have a high level of self-confidence perform better academically. Students who believe they are competent learners thrive under challenging conditions and see it as a way to become better students. Having self-confidence allows students to share ideas with their peers more easily than those who lack confidence.
    Students who lack self-confidence might benefit from workshops in their school, library, Internet, or anyplace that offers a chance for them to improve their self image, and as a result, boost their learning.

How to Get Rid of Low Self Confidence

Posted by Setiadi On 5:43 AM No comments
How to Get Rid of Low Self Confidence
Low self confidence can have a serious negative effect on your life. You might even find it difficult to build and maintain relationships. Low self confidence can also lead to more serious conditions, such as depression. There are no miracle cures or quick fixes for building your self confidence, but with some effort and hard work, you can gain the self-esteem and self worth that you deserve to have in yourself. You just need to learn the right strategies.


  • Be open and honest with yourself. You have traits you can improve and you have things you're very good at. Identity your best and worst qualities. Be happy with your positive traits and take steps to improve your negative traits.
  • Take care of those around you and things you care about. Taking care of your loved ones and putting your time and energy into things you care about, such as music, gardening or reading, will help improve your self confidence.
  • Tell yourself positive things. This is a simple, yet powerful concept. Your thinking is all about what you tell yourself, and what you tell yourself directly impacts your self confidence. Remind yourself that you're a good person who's worthy of other people's respect and love.
  • Practice relaxation techniques. If you're calmer and more relaxed, there's a better chance that you can be positive about your life and the world around you. Simple techniques like deep breathing, yoga and meditation can make a big difference.
  • Eat well and exercise regularly. When you're satisfied with your mental and physical state, it will be easier to find the self confidence you're looking for.

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